Another Lap Around The Sun

I’m not sure where I picked up that particular turn of phrase. Well, it’s my birthday again. I almost didn’t bother with a birthday post, since I had a post earlier in the day, but, it’s sort of gotten to … Continued

Another Year Older…

..And deeper in debt! So, it’s my birthday again. It seems like they just keep coming, like an on-rushing train in that proverbial tunnel where the light isn’t quite what we think it will be when it arrives. Honestly, it … Continued

Another Birthday

posted in: About The Author | 3

So, today marks another lap around the Sun for me. Honestly, I don’t hang a lot on birthdays, especially my own.  I mean, for the most part, they’re just another day.  Another marker of many in my life and, frankly, … Continued

Over Wrought

How much time do you suppose Henry Darger spent world-building before he started writing? I read a post on someone else’s blog recently titled Forget Self-Improvement. It was interesting, in that it suggested that the reason we don’t do things, … Continued

Another Lap

posted in: About The Author | 0

So, today marks another lap around the Sun for me. Honestly, it was more or less just another day today, except that it happened to be the anniversary of the day of my birth. I had nothing special planned and, … Continued

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