Actual Writing Tools

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Now, you’ve got your setting, characters and story, so all you have to do is write it. Easy, right? Okay, maybe not so much, but still totally doable, so don’t despair. This week I’m going to talk exclusively about tools … Continued

Build Your World

Now you have a story and the characters in it, but what about the rest of your world? Most people think that only fantasy or science-fiction writers have to create a world for their writing, but even writers who create … Continued

Create Your Characters

Now that you’ve got a story idea, who are the people in it? Often, a story is centered around a single, strong character, and you’ve already answered that question. But, what if you haven’t? Well, then, maybe I can help. … Continued

Story Ideas

Need a NaNoWriMo story idea? Maybe you don’t. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a long time and you’re ready to start writing. If so, you’re golden and this is post is all academic for you. If not, this … Continued