Government Approved Webcomics

posted in: Art, Fun, Fun and Games | 0

I’ve been sick for the past two weeks, so I’m short on thinky-talky-writey energy. Still, trooper that I am, I’m here with a link to fabulous free things for you, like I have been every Friday for years beyond easy … Continued

Fly Through the International Space Station

posted in: Art, Fun, Photography | 0

For me, living aboard a space station is about the most fantastical thing imaginable. I truly admire the brave people who risk their lives by exploring space.  I really and truly believe that humankind’s future is in space and off … Continued

A Vulgar Tongue

posted in: Art, Fun, The Tools | 1

Language is the key to culture, real or imagined. Regular readers of my blog will know that I am a dyed-in-the-wool geek. I mean, totally hardcore. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons in the Seventh Grade and did, on and … Continued

Free Public Domain Photography Books

You know how I like free. I started out the year talking big about stepping up my photography, but, honestly, between a new job, my wife’s business, and trying to refinance our house to get a better mortgage rate before … Continued

Ambient Sci-Fi Sound

posted in: Art, Fun | 1

I love me some ambient, sci-fi atmosphere! For you poor souls who are regular readers know I am a little obsessed with science fiction. And, I also am on a constant quest for the perfect background sounds to keep me … Continued

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