It’s Not Magic

posted in: Art, Fun, Fun and Games, NaNoWriMo | 2

It’s an illusion! At least, that’s what Doug Henning would say. Hey, look, it’s been a rough month.  What with the elections, the holiday and NaNoWriMo, you’ve had a lot going on.  I mean, a lot. No matter who you … Continued

The Inevitable Writer’s Block

If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo this month, you should be about two thirds done with your novel. If you’re not, don’t worry about it! And, either way, it seems like a good week to talk about writer’s block. Now, assuming … Continued

Writers, Talking

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this month, you should be roughly a third of the way through and might need a bit of a break. If you aren’t participating in National Novel Writing Month, that’s okay.  It’s still Friday and maybe … Continued

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