Quick Photoshop Tutorial

posted in: Art, Fun, GUI Center, The Tools | 0

Selecting edges is hard! As a professional computer geek and an amateur photographer, everyone expects me to to know Photoshop like a graphic designer. The truth is, though, I enjoy photography because it gets me out from behind the computer. … Continued

More Free Alternatives

I’m tired and lazy, but it’s Friday, so here’s a post for you. The brave few who are regular readers here know I dig free software. I also have had aspirations of being a bit of an artist, writer and … Continued

More Free Alternatives to Photoshop

posted in: Art, Fun, Linux, Photography | 0

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but things change. Okay, some things don’t change and one of those is that Adobe Photoshop is still the leader in graphics editing software, especially for photographers. But, it’s also pretty expensive, which means … Continued