Draft – Version Control For Writers

I am a geek. This may be self-evident based on the fact that I work in IT and maintain several websites including two blogs, but the implications of that may not be clear. In software development, of which I have … Continued

Day One

On this day, in 1660, arguably the most famous diarist in history, Samuel Pepys, made the first entry into his personal diary. He kept his diary for approximately nine years, detailing everything from his personal life to the news of … Continued

Creative Generators

posted in: On Creativity, The Tools | 0

So, in keeping with the theme this month of NaNoWriMo, I bring you creative time-wasters! Okay, so maybe I call them “helpful utilities” when I use them, but, still… Back in the day, I was much more of a Renaissance … Continued

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