Photography Cheat Sheets

One-page short-cuts to basic photographic knowledge. Well, after last week, I can tell you that I’m eager to get out and get shooting! But, I’m also really rusty.  I mean, it’s been so long since I was shooting photos regularly … Continued

Creative Resolutions

No, I don’t mean New Year’s Resolutions that are “creative”. Rather, I’m talking about making some New Year’s Resolutions regarding creative output. I’ll be honest, this year hasn’t been my most productive, creatively.  But, to be fair, I did get … Continued

A little inspiration

I’m not one who’s all that huge on inspirational writing or self-help books. But, I have to admit, as I get older, I’ve learned to appreciate the more spiritual side of that particular market. I’ve read [amazon_link id=”080701429X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” … Continued

Another Year Older…

..And deeper in debt! So, it’s my birthday again. It seems like they just keep coming, like an on-rushing train in that proverbial tunnel where the light isn’t quite what we think it will be when it arrives. Honestly, it … Continued

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