Some Starting Advice

Advice for writers. Specifically, for writers attempting to complete the National Novel Writing Month challenge. First, jump over to Writer’s Digest and check out their 30 Tips for Writing a Book in 30 Days.  And, also, keep in mind that … Continued

Genre Writing Rules

First of all, there are no rules. No, seriously, this is fiction we’re talking about here, so the rules are what you make them.  At this point, pretty much every “rule” you can think of when it comes to writing … Continued

Turkey City Lexicon

posted in: On Creativity, The Tools | 0

The infamous science-fiction workshop lexicon of “things to not do”. Over the years, so much has been written about what to do and what NOT to do in fiction that it’s a little overwhelming sometimes. Personally, when I write, I’m … Continued

Creating A World

posted in: Photography, The Tools | 1

It’s been said that every writer creates the world in their fiction, even if it’s not science-fiction, for their characters to explore. Photographers can do the same thing. I’ve always been a fan of science-fiction and fantasy in all its … Continued

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