Tile Tools

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Today I finally replaced the downstairs shower door, like I’ve been meaning to do since before I got engaged!  Seriously!

I know Sharon asked me to do it, too, but I’ve been meaning to tackle that project since I moved into this house more than twelve years ago.  Crazy.

In any case, these two tools really made the caulking part of the job a lot easier to do.  A very wise investment!

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Photography Fundamentals

posted in: Photography, The Tools | 1

So, yeah, I’ve got pretty much nothing this week.

Pretty much every bit of time and energy is going into either getting married (in just over two weeks!) or getting my fiance’s business, The Organizing Decorator, more customers.  So, that means I have little left to come up with too much that’s interesting here.  As it turns out, that’s okay because Haje and Daniela over at Photocritic have plenty to keep you amused, at least if you’re a photographer.  In particular, I love Photocritic’s “Photography Fundamentals” series that they’ve been doing recently.
I know Haje via Flickr and his cool Kickstarted creation, Triggertrap, and I can tell you that he’s a dedicated and creative photographer who really knows his stuff.  The “Fundamentals” series is a brief look at the basics of photography.  Although attractive to the newcomer, these articles are great refreshers for the photographers, like me, who have been around long enough to forget just why we do some of the things we do with our cameras.

No matter which you are, though, these articles are great!
And, they’re great to read before you head out shooting this weekend so that you have the fundamentals fresh in your head and in your camera!

Late Start

Not quite a “Tim Ferriss Slow-Carb” breakfast, but better than the coffee and cigarettes I’ve been known to call the “Breakfast of Champions” in earlier years.

Obviously, I haven’t been doing all that great in getting up early and writing every morning, but I’m just going to go ahead and blame that on my impending marriage.  That’s not really an excuse, but I’m going to take it while I can.  That’s just over two weeks away.  Monday we get the marriage license.  (I sure hope we don’t get pulled over for being in love without a license before then!)

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Against Digital Sharecropping

posted in: Photography, Pressgram | 0

I like being free and independent.

I like the idea behind Instagram, but not the proprietary nature of it.
I don’t like giving up my rights to work I create.   Even when it’s just a little photo of a little moment captured with my iPhone.  I dislike, as Nicholas Carr called it on his blog, “digital sharecropping”. And, of course, now the ads have finally started on Instagram, solidifying my discomfort with it.  Why should I let them profit from even the…
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Introducing Pressgram

posted in: Photography, Pressgram | 0

I’ve been waiting ages for this iPhone app called Pressgram to go live and it finally has! Why am I so excited? Because I love photography and blogs and this app lets me share both. Basically, it’d like having you’re own, private Instagram without having I be a digital sharecropper for either Instagram or Facebook. Hopefully, it will also mean that I post more here! So, here we go! Brace yourselves!

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Camera Porn

By now, dear readers, you both should know that I’m “into” photography.

Now, I’m not really into collecting cameras, though, I will admit that I have several.  And, I only shoot digital, because, frankly, film is kind of a hassle these days and I just never really had the time, patience or money all at once to learn enough about film to develop my own.  And, let’s face it, if I’m not developing my own photos, it seems like a waste of time to shoot film to me.  But, with that said, I actually own more film cameras than I do digital cameras!
Also, I’m a pretty visual person, and one of my favorite ways to waste time is to browse through huge sets of photos.  One of my favorite subjects lately is “camera porn”

So, what’s “camera porn”?  Well, one great example is Tokyo Camera Style.  Another is the Camera Porn Tumblog.  And, of course, there are many groups on Flickr for camera porn, most notably the camera_porn group and the confusingly similarly named cameraporn group, both of which have literally tens of thousands of member submitted photos of cameras.  I could spend hours just flipping past one photo of these unique cameras after another.

And, now, if you’re into photography or cameras, you can too!
Besides, what else would you do on the Friday of a short week?!
(Oh, one note about this month, I’m getting married on Saturday 9/28, so I’ll probably not post anything the last two weeks of this month.  You may need to find your Friday entertainment elsewhere for those two weeks!)

The Art of Portrait Photography

posted in: On Creativity, Photography | 1

I’m obsessed with photography lately, mainly because I feel so stymied by it.

It used to flow so much easier for me.  I had even gotten to the point that I could go a shoot anonymous portraits on the street or at a fair or carnival and be comfortable doing that.  But, lately, it’s been problematic for me.  Of course, I have no one to blame by myself.
Still, as a result, I find myself quietly obsessed with photography as a medium and an art form.  And, of course, as human beings, our interest in all things lies in other human beings.  A friend once told me that the hierarchy of art subjects, from least to greatest, is places then things then people.  (I assume that animals fell in between “things” and “people” on that scale.)  I have to agree with him, not just because he’s a world-renowned artist, but because I could see the truth of what he was saying.  So, in photographic terms, that makes the portrait the highest form of photographic art.

Which brings me to what I’m sharing with you this week.  It’s a video of several photographers sharing their thoughts on portraits, and their photographic work in that vein.  It’s from PBS, via Youtube: The Art of Portrait Photography Go check it out!  It’s an 8 minute video with beautiful photographs in it and some interesting people talking about making portraits.

And, go create something beautiful this weekend, okay?

Keine Zeit!

posted in: About The Author | 0

No time!

That’s what I have today, “no time”.  No time to write yesterday morning and only barely a few more minutes today, but at least I’m giving it the old “college try” and throwing something vaguely new, if completely uninteresting up today.

But, now I have to run to work!  Maybe something more substantive tomorrow!

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